BRICS – the West is silent and afraid – and rightly so
With childish looking away, the West and the Western media is trying to silence BRICS to death.
Peter Hanseler

VoicefromRussia never tires of explaining to readers that it is not the Ukrainian war, the green revolution, countless additional genders, new word creations that make man and woman indistinguishable or the approval of gender reassignment surgery for five-year-olds that will keep the world in suspense in the coming decades, but BRICS+ CO.
“Western media behave like toddlers – they close their eyes to avoid seeing the truth.”
We are not smarter than the others, but we belong to a very small circle in the West, which deals with this topic: Western media behave like toddlers – they close their eyes to avoid seeing the truth.
Despite the childish silence of the Western media, the facts are on the table. The leadership of the collective West senses very well that something is coming that will deliver the death blow to the rotten Western financial system.
In this article we try to prepare interested readers for an event of the century by giving you our thought processes over the last 16 months. For this purpose we refer to our previous articles published by us.
Then we show that the Western media – including giants like the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) – are taking their readers for fools.
Finally, we show that the political leadership in the West is well aware of what is brewing and is trying to stop this process – without success.
BRICS Summit on August 22, 2023
It can be assumed that on August 22, 2023, the BRICS countries will declare a new currency that will be backed by gold and will replace the petrodollar as the largest reserve currency.
It should be noted, however, that so far no one knows in what specific way this currency will be backed by gold. There are countless possibilities and one should not speculate about this mechanism; that would be a waste of time.
In addition to the existing members Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, up to 40 new member countries seem to be lining up for this organization.
“It will not be Ukraine or Russia that will cause World War 3, but the United States.”
We can already anticipate that this economic community will dwarf the G7 group in terms of all parameters.
The Americans will try everything to prevent this: This will seal the downfall of the American empire. One would be naive to think that the Americans are not willing to set the world on fire to prevent their own demise. It will not be Ukraine or Russia that will cause World War 3, but the USA.
For readers who want to inform themselves
For readers who want to inform themselves We are currently preparing a large overview article, which will prove with many figures and graphics how important BRICS & Co. really are. In addition to the BRICS figures, we will also present figures of other important organizations around BRICS – SCO, OPEC+, etc.
If you, as a reader, want to read up a bit over the summer, I refer you below to several articles which we have already published on this topic on this blog.
The following brief presentation of our articles should serve as a guide. The titles are linked to the articles in question.
Some of the articles were published more than a year ago and it is possible that not all of the forecasts made turned out to be spot on; however, in my opinion, these articles show that we were on the right track and worked well based on the information we had at the time.
Gold – the fabric of dreams

Ultimately, you can only understand BRICS if you understand gold. It can be assumed that the new currency will be backed by gold. Therefore, we believe that this article will show the reader why gold is very important, what are the characteristics of gold and why the Western powers have sought to banish gold as money and value for over 50 years.
We published this article on our blog on December 16, 2022.
Endgame of the petrodollar

The power of the American empire is based above all on the petrodollar and not primarily on military power. This article, which Weltwoche already published on April 19, 2022, explains the mechanics of the petrodollar and looks into the future, which will probably already become the truth this summer – the demise of the petrodollar.
The unstoppable rise of the East

On November 18, 2022 VoicefromRussia published its first article and we wanted to write about something groundbreaking according to the motto, “there is no second chance for the first impression”. From today’s perspective, we succeeded quite well.
In that article we claimed that one can see developments that have the potential to change the world more sustainably than all the military conflicts of the last hundred years put together. Again, it was about BRICS and we seem to have assessed the development correctly – in contrast to the Western experts who hushed up or ridiculed BRICS.
“Change is coming!” – The outcry in the West will be deafening.

This article was written on the occasion of Xi and Putin’s meeting in Moscow a quarter of a year ago, when Xi said goodbye to Putin with the words “A change is coming, the likes of which have not been seen in 100 years.”.
BRICS grows by leaps and bounds

In May, this article was written. This article is interesting in the sense that by May another 19 nations had signed up for BRICS – formally or informally. However, this is already history today – there will be many more.
The childish silence of the Western media
The Western media simply remain silent about these developments of the century.

This is more than childish and irresponsible. The NZZ, for example, reports pitoyable about the Ukraine conflict and has been engaged in the worst propaganda for years – as proven in our article “Resist the beginnings! – Propaganda of the NZZ»
“Investors and business leaders who make decisions based on such trash will very soon regret their naiveté.”
Now the NZZ closes its eyes to an event of the century and will be responsible for the fact that the readers of its weighty economic section will make completely wrong and fatal decisions.
In the NZZ of July 10, 2023, for example, the economics editor Peter A. Fischer publishes an article about Russia after Putin that is almost unsurpassable in stupidity, in which he contrasts Russia and China with NATO – not a word about BRICS (NZZ, July 10, page 6).

Are Mr. Guyer and Mr. Fischer stupid? – Certainly not. They would know better, but they sacrifice their journalistic ethos to a perverse ideology.
Investors and business leaders who make their decisions on the basis of such trash will soon regret their naivety.
Helpless diplomatic actionism of the West
For several weeks now, the leaders of the West have obviously noticed that something is brewing and are trying to stop the unstoppable with ridiculous diplomatic actions – without success.
President Macron’s laughable request
In mid-June, French President Macron inquired in South Africa whether he could attend the BRICS summit in Johannesburg in August.
This can really only be taken as a sign that President Macron has probably come to the conclusion that BRICS is quite capable of a tectonic geopolitical shift and – le petit rois – as Macron is called by his critics, wants to keep all options open.
The BRICS countries were more than gobsmacked. – Why?
The BRICS+ association has been a very loose and liberal community since its inception. Nevertheless, there are conditions that members must fulfill in order to be accepted into this community.
“How stupid and naive can you be?”
One of them is that members obviously need to commit to resolving their differences diplomatically. Iran and Saudi Arabia were mortal enemies for a long time, but both wanted to join BRICS and SCO. They made peace – see our article “Peace breaks out – Arab Spring without blood“.
France thus “does not really” meet the conditions: G7 member, NATO member, EU member. All these organizations joined together to destroy Russia and weaken China by sanctioning Russia since 2014 and being de facto party in war against Russia.
The answer from BRICS was – “No.”
How stupid and naive can you be?
The helpless visit Foreign Minister Blinken in Beijing
Blinken’s visit to Beijing was also a complete failure. The Americans seriously believed that they could have achieved anything. The statement of the American president, who called Xi a dictator after Blinken’s return, did not help either.
Prime Minister Modi’s invitation to Washington
Indian Prime Minister Modi was then invited to Washington – with all the pomp that was possible. The goal was to steer the Indians to the American side.

Once again, the Americans are doomed by the fact that they are the world champions in seeing the rest of the world through their own glasses and believe that everyone functions like they do. Anyone who has even a hint of an idea of what makes Indians tick would have been spared such an invitation.
India has managed to be and remain a unified whole despite huge internal tensions, 100 different languages, four religions, many ethnic groups – soon to be the most populous country on earth.
This requires a policy of balancing and compromise, otherwise the country would disintegrate without further ado. In this respect, India shows clear parallels to Russia.
This also shapes India’s foreign policy. One works with everyone. One is always friendly, also to the Americans and also bought weapons from them.
To believe that India would oppose its partners from BRICS and SCO – Russia and China – borders on idiocy.
Janet Yellen’s visit to Beijing
Here, too, we can be brief – no chance.
For years, the Global South has had enough of the American hegemon. The desire for a mulitpolar world is not new. Nevertheless, the blocking of Russia’s foreign exchange reserves in the West has accelerated this process considerably, and the growing number of future BRICS members speaks volumes.
VoicefromRussia has been closely following this development since its inception. The Western media childishly keep quiet about this. It will be interesting to see how the Western media – confronted with a new currency – will come out of the woodwork. This will destroy leading media in the West.
The West’s attempts to change anything yet will be unsuccessful.
The fear that the Americans will use every means – including a 3rd world war – to prevent this event of the century or to influence it in the aftermath, I consider to be justified.
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