The world and society divided into good and evil

Europe, and Germany in particular, is once again heading towards a new abyss. The title of Wolfgang Bittner’s latest book – “Niemand soll hungern, ohne zu frieren” (“No one should starve without freezing”)- is reminiscent of the last attempt to shape the world according to the German model. 

Wolfgang Bittner analyzes the current political situation, looks at the state of Western society and proves the betrayal of the political elites. There is still a chance to change course. For how much longer?

Wolfgang Bittner

Germany’s territorial changes after 1945 – a warning?

Militarization and readiness for war

For several years, we have increasingly been experiencing a division of the world into the supposedly good and the supposedly bad. This is accompanied by an emotionalization of the population and a frightening militarization. Even children know the German Leopard battle tank, the American Abrams or the British Challenger, as well as various cruise missiles. KiKa, the children’s channel of ARD and ZDF, plays an unbelievably war-glorifying role.

A broadcast on the war in Ukraine by logo!, the ZDF children’s news program, left viewers speechless. In it, the cruise missiles of Germany, France and Great Britain, complete with mouths, noses and eyes, chat casually with a Leopard tank, and of course they are talking about Russia.

Taurus’s squeaky girl’s voice begins angrily: “We cruise missiles have to blow Olaf Scholz’s march properly.” Whereupon Storm Shadow asks in an English accent: “Um, why?” Taurus’s response: “Well, because he refuses to deliver me to Ukraine!” Interjection from Leopard 2 with an Eastern European accent: “Just like they did to me!” Scalp chimes in: “Huh, screw you, Taurus, the Ukrainians are already getting me!” Storm Shadow: “And me!” Taurus replies: “You know you’re one and the same cruise missile, just from different countries?” Storm Shadow: “It’s the differences that make us unique and show us how special we are.” Interjection from Leopard 2: “Hey, definitely post that on Instagram!” Storm Shadow: “Already done!”

Taurus: “No wonder they want me, I’m clearly the better cruise missile!” Storm Shadow replies: “More like an a** missile if you don’t show up soon!” Scalp: “Hahaha!” Taurus shouts: “Hey, it’s not up to me!” Leopard 2: “You don’t have to blow up!” Taurus shouts, “I’m a cruise missile, that’s exactly what I’m supposed to do!” Scalp, appeasingly: “You’re not allowed in Ukraine because your chancellor is hesitating and procrastinating again?” Storm Shadow knows the score: “The German technical term for that is ‘scholzen’.” “No,” Taurus replies, “this time there was even a reason:Because I have such a long range, he’s afraid I’ll overshoot and hit Russia.“ Now Scalp’s girl voice clears her throat and squeals: ”Hmm… And what has Russia been doing for the last two years?“ Leopard 2 repeats: ”What has Russia been doing for the last two years?“ Taurus, amazed: ”Really?”[i]

“No Taurus for Ukraine” (screenshot from “Kika”)

This propaganda, which is taking place under the noses of politicians, educators and scientists, reflects the level and belligerence of journalists who do not understand what war means and how irresponsibly they are acting. In Germany, a generation of politicians and journalists has grown up who know nothing, but believe they know everything – a bubble of ideologically confused windbags and careerists who are not particular about the truth, but are capable of destroying lives.

The extent to which the obsession with war has now spread is also evident from the attitude of the education minister, who declared: “Civil defense is extremely important and should also be taught in schools. The goal must be to strengthen our resilience,” and this includes, among other things, civil defense exercises in schools and an “uninhibited relationship with the Bundeswehr.”[i] The minister also advocated more military research at universities.

The attitude of the German Teachers’ Association was even more bewildering. Its president did not hold back with his “state-supporting” view: “The war in Ukraine creates a new awareness of military threats that must also be taught in schools.”[ii] Youth officers who come to the children and young people are a “useful support” in this regard. For the association’s president, indoctrination of children cannot begin soon enough. In political education, the war in Ukraine and the pan-European threat must be taught, he said, and the federal education minister must immediately seek dialogue with the education ministers of the federal states.

Former member of parliament Albrecht Müller, who was formerly head of planning under Willy Brand and Helmut Schmidt and has been editor of the internet portal NachDenkSeiten since 2003, wrote as early as April 2019: “We are sliding towards war, partly because formerly critical media are now participating in the construction of the enemy image and the critical intelligentsia is falling away.”[i]

It is constantly being proven: the externally controlled media in Germany are a disaster.[ii] There is no way to put it more mildly: in politics, the media, the judiciary and science, the same scum that once led us to our downfall has grown up again. These people, many of whom have worked their way up to top positions, talk a big game, dominate and suppress anything that does not suit them and their guardians.

After a motion tabled by the opposition in the Bundestag to deliver the Taurus cruise missiles on March 14, 2024 was rejected by 494 votes to 188 with five abstentions,[iii] a veritable campaign was waged against Olaf Scholz in almost all newspapers, on the radio and on all television channels. He explained his reasons for opposing the delivery shortly after the vote: “In my view, this is a very far-reaching weapon. In view of the importance of not losing control over the targets, this weapon could not be used without the deployment of German soldiers. I am opposed to this. It is something that citizens are concerned about…”[iv]

Even SPD parliamentary leader Rolf Mützenich, who gave a speech in the Bundestag in support of the Chancellor, calling for a “freeze” in the war in Ukraine and for ceasefire negotiations, was[i] fiercely attacked by the war supporters. Green Party politicians called his speech a “relapse into the old Russia policy of the Social Democrats” and an encouragement for Putin to “escalate the war even further”, which damages Germany’s reputation in the world. The Ukrainian ex-ambassador Andrej Melnyk, who had made a name for himself in Germany during his term of office with abusive verbal attacks, particularly stood out. He called Mützenich the “most disgusting German politician”.[ii] The war coalition does not let up.

Confusion, chaos and war

Military spending in 2023 amounted to the staggering sum of $2.4 trillion worldwide, with the US accounting for around 38 percent: The budget for the world’s largest armed forces amounted to a total of 916 billion dollars. China came in second with 296 billion. In contrast, Russia spent 109 billion on its military, the UK 74.9 billion, France 61.3 billion and Germany 66.8 billion dollars.[i] In 2024, spending has increased again (exact figures were not yet available at the editorial deadline).

Wherever we look, we see confusion, chaos and war. And it should be noted that in almost all cases, the US is responsible. It has managed to create crisis hotspots all over the world and to divide Europe. After failed attempts to bring about regime changes in Venezuela, Iran, Syria and Belarus, the US is now targeting Georgia, Moldova and Slovakia. The method used in Ukraine is being applied: the dissatisfaction of citizens and their enthusiasm for the EU are being used by intervention activists to stir up unrest and ultimately bring about a change of government. There is also agitation in Taiwan, Myanmar, Somalia, Sudan and among the Uyghurs in China.

In Ukraine, regime change was achieved in 2014, and since then the country has been in the hands of the US, which uses its stooges. It is clear: the US is responsible for what happens in this provoked war – just as it has determined developments in Germany and Europe for more than a hundred years. Germany owes nothing to Ukraine and its government led by nationalists and fascists. Refugees, who receive special rights in Germany, could easily be cared for in Western Ukraine in specially established refuges. Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe after Russia, and the west of the country is hardly affected by the war, apart from the city of Lviv (Lviv), from where foreign “military advisors” operate.

But Berlin’s politicians have abandoned the country’s borders, they are not pursuing German interests, but following Washington’s instructions at the expense of their own population. Zelenskyi is constantly demanding more money and weapons, and he has suggested that Germany transfer the citizen’s income, which Ukrainian refugees receive, directly to Kiev.[ii]

It is becoming apparent that Germany will be ruined. Russia wanted peace in Europe, first and foremost with Germany, but the US has prevented this for selfish reasons. The common economic zone from Vladivostok to Lisbon proposed by Vladimir Putin in 2001 has not materialized, and the US policy of aggression has revived the Cold War. And the indoctrination of the population, as well as some “naive” politicians, journalists and scientists, has undermined the peace efforts of past decades.

Putin bashing wherever you look (Bild newspaper, March 18, 2024)

Since the staged war in Ukraine, the possibility of a major war breaking out as a result of a provoked incident cannot be ruled out. If that were to happen, Germany would finally disappear from the map. This is because the US military bases are in the sights of Russian missiles. Nevertheless, people demonstrate against all kinds of things, but only very rarely against rearmament, war and the spread of hatred between nations. The brainwashing has worked, only a few realize that the bomb is already looming over them.

The fact that the German government, but also the French, have not withdrawn from the intrigues and plots and regulations of the US, but rather willingly support the sanctions and war policy, is in fact high treason. EU institutions are also apparently subject to US influence.

Recently, the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague issued an arrest warrant against Vladimir Putin “for war crimes”.[i] The German Minister of Justice and the German Chancellor welcomed this, although the ICC’s action against the Russian president is yet another demonstration of its bias and incompetence. Has it ever looked into the war crimes of Biden, Bush, Cheney, Kissinger or Blair? At least the ICC has been able to issue an arrest warrant for mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza, despite threats from Israel and the US.[ii]

Germany – sold out and betrayed

Germany, as a European bridgehead and frontline state of the US against Russia, is ruled by politicians who follow their aggressive policy almost without reservation, thereby betraying German interests. This has been demonstrated by the financial and military support for Ukraine – “as long as necessary”[i] – and by the solidarity with Israel in the genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza, as misused by Netanyahu.

In both cases, the Berlin government is not only opposing Russia and China, but also the states of the so-called Global South. In doing so, it is damaging Germany’s reputation in the world, not to mention the financial drain on its own population. Germany has played out as an industrial location, an exponent of culture and science, and a guarantor of peace for the time being. The government and the media have now internalized the vassal status to such an extent that there is no longer any room for vital concerns of their own nation that do not coincide with the interests of the US.

At the same time as Germany is declining, social democracy, which was originally a stabilizing factor for the working population, is also dying out. This is the title of an article in the Economist of February 4, 2024, which discusses the depressing situation in Germany: “Olaf Scholz is facing a growing crisis of confidence”.[iii]

Joseph Biden und Olaf Scholz 2022 beim G7-Gipfel auf Schloss Elmau

It has long been known, but is ignored, that the US has a firm grip on Germany and is ruthlessly using it to achieve its geopolitical goals. What goes on behind the scenes was revealed by the director of the influential Washington think tank Stratfor, George Friedman, in a speech at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs on February 4, 2015: “The main interest of US foreign policy during the last century, in the First and Second World Wars and in the Cold War, was the relationship between Germany and Russia. Because together they are the only power that can threaten us. Our main goal was to ensure that this does not happen.”[i]

Friedman was more specific: “The main concern for the United States is that… German capital and German technology combine with Russian raw material resources and Russian labor to form a unique combination that the US has been trying to prevent for a century.” Accordingly, the economic cooperation between Russia and Germany proposed by Vladimir Putin in 2001 was deliberately prevented. Instead, the US, Friedman said in his speech, built a “cordon sanitaire” around Russia.

This “security belt” has become a massive military encirclement, which has developed into an acute threat due to US/NATO military bases in Poland, the Baltic states, Romania and Bulgaria, the NATO accession of Sweden and Finland, the stationing of a German combat brigade of 5,000 soldiers in Estonia, and the large-scale maneuvers of recent years. All of this is going according to plan, in defiance of international law, and is justified by the alleged intention of Russia to attack the Baltic states, Poland and possibly all of Western Europe.

For more than a century, the US and its economic and financial elites have pursued a policy that exclusively serves their own economic and strategic interests. They rigorously eliminate anything that hinders them from enforcing their plans, if necessary by breaking existing treaties. While Russia withdrew its occupation troops from Germany in 1990, the US continued to expand its military bases. The German Bundeswehr was involved in the illegal war of aggression against Yugoslavia, and for years Washington criminally tried to thwart the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project. The German government complied and allowed itself to be harassed and threatened with sanctions.

We know how the pipeline project continued. During German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s first visit to Washington in February 2022, US President Joseph Biden, disregarding Germany’s sovereignty, allowed himself to determine an end to Nordstream 2 should Russia attack Ukraine. Scholz looked on wordlessly, even when Biden, when asked by a journalist how he intended to do that, replied, “I promise you, we will be able to do it.”[ii] – “I promise you we will able to do that.” At the time, a week before the invasion of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin was still trying to negotiate with Biden about legitimate Russian security guarantees to avoid war – in vain.

In September 2022, when many people were demonstrating for the commissioning of Nord Stream 2 to escape an ominous emergency, the pipeline was largely rendered unusable by explosions, at the same time as Nord Stream 1. The well-known American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has come to the conclusion, after extensive research, that the US carried out this attack on German infrastructure. The Berlin government, which in all likelihood knew about it, remains silent on the matter – again a sign of a lack of sovereignty. And Hersh, like all those who say something that is not approved of, is harshly attacked and defamed.[iii]

Dissocial personality disorders in the leadership elite

The fact that leading politicians and journalists are participating in the lies and smear campaigns against Russia is a testament to the depravity in the political and media scene. It seems as if, in many areas, we are dealing with ideologically confused fanatics, lunatics and criminals, whose highest authority, based in Washington, holds the Western world in a pincer grip. Not only are there wars and hardship in the world, but there are also solutions to these problems. But they are not taken note of, let alone implemented. It seems as if humanity is being driven into the abyss by psychopaths. And the population, in its vast majority, is keeping quiet.

It is to be feared that not a few of the leading personalities in politics, business and journalism suffer from a mental illness, the “dissocial personality disorder”, also called “antisoocial personality disorder” (APS). It is characterized in particular by a lack of empathy or a coldness towards others and a general lack of social responsibility and conscience. The term is described in the ICD medical diagnostic classification system as follows: “a personality disorder characterized by a disregard for social obligations and a heartless unconcern for the feelings of others. There is a significant discrepancy between the behavior and prevailing social norms. … There is a low tolerance for frustration and a low threshold for aggressive, even violent behavior, a tendency to blame others or to offer superficial rationalizations for the behavior…[i]

In addition, large sections of US society, right up to Congress, are fanatically religious and fundamentalist. To this day, the elective affinity between Puritanism and capitalism, an “economic doctrine of predestination” – those whom God loves, he lets become rich – is deeply rooted here. Moreover, many hardliners apparently believe that whatever benefits the US ultimately benefits the whole world, hence their claim to global supremacy.

This policy has been rigorously pursued worldwide by President Barack Obama, disregarding the rules of international law. In a speech at the US Military Academy at Westpoint on May 28, 2014, he said, inter alia, “From Europe to Asia, we are the pivot of all alliances, unmatched in the history of nations… Thus, the United States is and will remain the only indispensable nation. This has been true for the past century and will be true for the next century.”[ii] In this respect, Obama was obviously not a ‘prisoner of the empire’, as sociologist Norman Birnbaum put it, because at its core his statement is in line with that of George Friedman. And Friedman has bluntly stated only what has always determined the policy of the US government.

Particularly revealing are the statements made by Joseph Biden, then US Vice President, on October 2, 2014, regarding the economic sanctions against Russia. At the Harvard Kennedy School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, he announced: “We gave Putin a simple choice: respect Ukraine’s sovereignty or face increasing consequences. This allowed us to get the largest developed countries in the world to impose real costs on Russia. It’s true that they [the EU] didn’t want to do it. But again, it was American leadership and the fact that the President of the United States insisted, and in fact had to embarrass Europe many times to force Europe to get off its butt and put economic pain on Russia to create costs. And the results have been a massive flight of capital out of Russia, a veritable freeze on foreign direct investment, the ruble at an all-time low against the dollar, and the Russian economy teetering on the brink of recession.”[iii]

The US is hell-bent on enforcing its unfounded claim to global domination, even if it means a major war. This hubris emanates from the neoconservatives in Washington, the financial and economic elites there, as well as the arms industry and its figurehead Joseph Biden, who shares responsibility for almost all the conflicts and wars of the last decades. He may seem senile, but he is still able to oblige Germany to give unconditional support to Ukraine, to participate in a war of attrition from which the US benefits economically.

On this side of the Atlantic, Germany is being used as a spearhead against Russia, while on the other side of the Pacific, Japan and South Korea are the vanguard against China. This has been planned for some time: The US wants to wage its wars with foreign soldiers on foreign territory. In doing so, vassals like Germany are treading a highly problematic path. What happens if the US takes the confrontation with China to the extreme? Will German soldiers then be deployed in a war with China under the NATO mutual defense clause? And what are the consequences of the fact that the geopolitical tectonics are changing as a whole due to the aggressive policy of the US and the reactions of Russia and China?

If the German government continues to blindly follow Washington’s lead and the US crashes – which cannot be completely ruled out – then Germany will go down with it. This also does not seem to be clear to the Berlin political class. No sooner in office than quite a few politicians suffer from megalomania.

Bundesverteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius am 26. April 2024 in Paris. Haltung und Mimik sprechen für sich

Wie es um das Selbstverständnis der US-amerikanischen Regierung bestellt ist, demonstrierte Präsident Joseph Biden am 6. Juli 2024 in einem Interview mit dem US-Sender ABC, als er nach einem desaströsen Wahlkampfduell mit Donald Trump nach seiner körperlichen und mentalen Verfassung gefragt wurde. Vor laufender Kamera erklärte er: „Ich absolviere jeden Tag einen kognitiven Test. Wissen Sie, ich mache nicht nur Wahlkampf, ich regiere die Welt. Das klingt wie eine Übertreibung, aber wir sind die wichtigste Nation der Welt.“ [i]Diese Aussage wurde von den westlichen Politikern und Journalisten nahezu kritiklos hingenommen, was wiederum Rückschlüsse auf die mentale Verfassung dieser Akteure zulässt. Eingegangen wurde hauptsächlich auf die Frage, ob Biden noch die Fähigkeit für eine zweite Amtszeit habe. Die Kontroverse darum beendete er am 24. Juli 2024 durch seinen Verzicht auf die Kandidatur.[ii]

Designierte Präsidentschaftskandidatin der Demokraten wurde Vizepräsidentin Kamala Harris, die bis dahin ein Schattendasein führte. Unsinnigerweise positionierte sich Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz sofort wieder gegen Trump, indem er bekanntgab: „Ich halte es für sehr gut möglich, dass Kamala Harris die Wahl gewinnt.“[iii] Damit beging Scholz den gleichen unverzeihlichen Fehler, den bereits Angela Merkel und andere führende deutsche Politiker 2016 vor den damaligen Präsidentschaftswahlen begingen, die Trump für sich entscheiden konnte. Aber Nachhilfe in Diplomatie würde bei der ideologischen Ausrichtung der Berliner Politiker wohl kaum helfen.

The UN Charter – just a memory

Article 1 of the Charter of the United Nations reads: “The United Nations shall have the following purposes: 1. To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace, by peaceful means and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law; 2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace…

There is just as little left of these grand declarations of intent and commitments as of the agreements of the North Atlantic Treaty, which is why the demand that Germany withdraw from NATO is extremely justified. There are also more and more voices in Germany calling for a policy independent of the US, now that it has become clear that the US is pursuing a long-term strategy that does not serve German or European interests.

What the Europeans are being saddled with as “partners” of the United States can be seen in an interview in which four-star General Wesley Clark, who was at times Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, said in 2007 that the Bush administration had already planned the war against seven countries at the time. In addition to Afghanistan, these were Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and ultimately Iran.[i] So, immediately after the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, there was already a plan for regime change and wars in the Middle East and Africa. In addition, there was influence on South American and Eastern European countries.

This is still the strategy of the US today, which is why it is constantly coming into conflict with Russia and China. Instead of dissolving NATO in 1991, as was done with the Warsaw Pact, and in favor of a pan-European security alliance including Russia, the transatlantic military alliance was increasingly developed into an instrument of aggression. The current conflicts and wars did not arise by chance; they have been planned by unscrupulous psychopaths – there is no other way to describe them – in politics, economics and the military.[ii] In addition to acts of war, economic sanctions have become a weapon for enforcing global domination.

The fact that the civilian population is deliberately affected is documented in an alarming way by a statement made by former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, a “friend” of former German Foreign Minister and Green Party politician Joseph (Joschka) Fischer. On December 8, 2014, in a television show, she responded to the presenter’s statement that half a million children had died because of the sanctions against Iraq, more than in Hiroshima after the atomic bomb was dropped: “I think it’s a very difficult decision, but we believe it’s worth the price.”[iii] The price is still being paid by the populations of the countries affected by US interventions. In Iraq and former Yugoslavia in particular, people are still suffering from cancer as a result of the use of nuclear-enriched munitions, which were also supplied to Ukraine by the US and the UK.[iv] It is still unclear whether they were used or destroyed during a Russian attack, but this will become clear in time.

International law suspended

The first serious and momentous violation of international law in recent history was the 1999 war against Yugoslavia by the NATO allies, including Germany. Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, who at the time, together with his foreign minister Joseph Fischer, admitted that Germany had acted unlawfully in a matinee of the weekly newspaper Die Zeit, apparently under pressure from Washington: formally, it was “a violation of international law”.[i] However, this had no consequences.

That the United States and NATO would adhere to the principles of the United Nations and international law has been refuted countless times. During his time in office, Barack Obama waged seven wars and legitimized drone killings; Donald Trump – apparently driven by “advisers” imposed on him and contrary to his initial promises to disavow interventionist policies and keep the peace – drastically sanctioned countries such as Iran, Venezuela, North Korea and Russia. The vast majority of the Western population accepted all this without objection. The indoctrination that has been going on for several years has worked.

It seems as if many people in Germany have been virtually paralyzed by the Corona terror exercised by the government. And after the fear of a Corona infection, came the fear of war. As is well known, the instigation of fear can be a means of regimenting the population, which in exceptional situations subjects itself to drastic curtailment of civil rights. A leaked strategy paper from the Federal Ministry of the Interior from March 2020 has been made public, in which there is talk of a “comprehensive mobilization campaign” to be launched by the federal government to enforce the Corona measures.[ii] Something similar seems to have been undertaken after Russia invaded Ukraine to create an aggressive mood among the population against Russia and to gain approval for Germany’s participation in the war in Ukraine. There is probably no other way to explain this madness.

On the subject of “rule by fear”, psychologist and cognitive scientist Rainer Mausfeld points out the psychological technique of “propagandistically creating alleged threats” in his book “Fear and Power – Techniques of Domination in the Production of Fear in Capitalist Democracies”.[iii] Elsewhere he writes: “The insecurity created in this way can then be used to create fear for the purposes of power. A cycle of creating confusion and fear that is difficult to escape. The social consequences of the strong irrational affects and social divisions triggered by this are becoming increasingly apparent. And will certainly provide further pretexts for strengthening authoritarian and repressive measures.”[iv] It is not for nothing that Mausfeld, an excellent analyst of the failure of representative democracy and the media, is largely ignored.

The psychologist and psychoanalyst Klaus-Jürgen Bruder commented on the subjugation of the population through the generation of fear as follows: “An unsuspecting, unsuspecting population is made, without any preparation, to forget everything that had been important to them until now: all goals, all movements, all business, all contacts – as if by a ‘blitzkrieg’, the morning after which they rub their eyes. The ‘black zero’ had not yet been forgotten, as in the breathtaking laying of the financial rescue packages, the stage goal had been secured and submission was only open as a displacement activity: as the acceptance of new rules of (non-)contact, not letting the other get too close to you, even rejecting them if they get too close, being suspicious of everyone, loudly sanctioning the previous rules …”

Brother continues: “It is also threatening: to learn, to hear that a terrible epidemic, which has already claimed many victims in China, Wuhan, is now reaching us in Europe. And it is also understandable to gratefully accept the proposed protective measures and to ensure that others follow them too.” But it is surprising, “that all this is happening without question, that isolated opposition immediately provokes aggressive defense, as we have not experienced it in a long time, as we actually only know it from times when criticizing the actions of the state had led to denunciation of the enemy.” Brother assumes that the “subdued” were not aware of the instruction from the Federal Ministry of the Interior, “in which the processing of the population through massive and closed fear campaigns had been proposed – because this only circulated as a classified document for official use”.[v]

Consequences of a policy of aggression

Apart from the acute nuclear threat, the consequences of the conflicts provoked by the US are serious. Russia has long since begun to disengage from the West, to go new ways with new partners and to defend itself against the aggressive policy of the US. Russia is not alone in this. More than half of humanity no longer wants to put up with the impositions and oppression of the US. The transition from a unipolar to a multilateral world order has long since begun.

In addition to Russia, large countries such as China, India, Brazil and South Africa are going their own way; their governments have, for example, spoken out against supporting Ukraine. China is in the process of overtaking the US economically and has developed into a military superpower, which means it poses a systemic challenge to the Western allies. Now that the US-initiated war in Ukraine has divided the world and appears to have backfired, the Taiwan conflict has emerged as a new existential threat. China is acting confidently and seems willing to risk military conflict with the increasingly aggressive US if necessary.

The fact that the North Atlantic Alliance now wants to become involved in the Western Pacific is a clear violation of its own statutes. The preamble states: “The Parties to this Treaty reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and their desire to live in peace with all peoples and governments… They are determined to promote internal strength and welfare in the North Atlantic area.”

The pact thus clearly refers to the North Atlantic area. And in Article 1, the parties undertake “to settle in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations any international dispute to which they are parties, by peaceful means, in such a manner as to avoid endangering international peace and security and justice, and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.”

But the expansion of the alliance in violation of the treaty and its transformation into an instrument of aggression under US leadership are not being addressed, which means that the European member states are increasingly getting into trouble. This also applies to the European Union’s blind loyalty to the US, which French President Emmanuel Macron has criticized. He called for Europe to pursue a more independent policy vis-à-vis the US, but also vis-à-vis China. If the European states do not want to fall into insignificance, this will be the only viable way forward.

It should be noted that the BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are gaining more and more popularity. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Egypt and Ethiopia joined on January 1, 2024. Other countries have formally applied. Argentina was on the verge of being accepted, but the president elected in 2023, Javier Milei, who describes himself as an “anarcho-capitalist,” rejected the idea.

The US is trying by all means to prevent the influence of the BRICS organization, and it has every reason to do so. This is because a different economic and financial system than the Western one, dominated by the US, is being worked on. Among other things, the dominance of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency is being questioned, which, however, will lead to further, highly dangerous confrontations, because the US will not allow itself to be driven into bankruptcy without putting up a fight. The fact that the US has the world’s largest military power must be taken into account in everything that is done in the future to achieve a more peaceful world.

Currently, two nuclear powers are facing each other in a proxy war that could escalate at any minute. We must do everything in our power to avoid this. In his play “The Physicists”, set in a psychiatric hospital, playwright Friedrich Dürrenmatt writes: “The content of physics concerns physicists, the effects concern everyone. What concerns everyone can only be solved by everyone.”[i]

Großmachtsymbolik: Weltweit sind 21 Flugzeugträger im Einsatz, 11 davon gehören zur US-Navy (im Bild: US-Flugzeugträger George Washington)

The writer and publicist Dr. jur. Wolfgang Bittner is the author of numerous books, including “The Conquest of Europe by the US”, “The Homeland, the War and the Golden West”, “Germany – Betrayed and Sold” and “State of Emergency – Geopolitical Insights and ights and Analyses in View of the Ukraine Conflict”, 2014-2023. The above article is an excerpt from the recently published book ‘No One Should Go Hungry Without Freezing to Death’, Verlag zeitgeist, 2024.

Quellen und Anmerkungen

[1] (15.3.2024)

[1] Zit. wie; vgl. auch

[1] Zit. wie ebd.

[1] NachDenkSeiten, 8.4.2019,

[1] Vgl. Wolfgang Bittner: Der neue West-Ost-Konflikt – Inszenierung einer Krise. Höhr-Grenzhausen 2019, S. 51-65

[1] Vgl. sowie

[1] (15.3.2024)

[1] Rede vom 14.3.2024, (15.3.2024)



[1] Vgl.ür-ukrainer-in-kiew-verwalten/a-68184738

[1] Vgl.

[1] Siehe:


[1] Im April 2024 lag die Prognose für die SPD nur noch bei 15,4 Prozent:

[1] Siehe:

[1] Zit. wie (15.4.2024)

[1] Vgl., ab 1:43 (15.4.2024)

[1] Vgl.ügen-über-nord-stream.html

[1] Deutsches Institut für Medizinische Dokumentation und Information (DIMDI): Psychische und Verhaltensstörungen; (25.4.2016)

[1] Barack Obama: Remarks by the President at the United States Military Academy Commencement Ceremony; (12.4.2024)

[1] Joe Biden, Zeitdokument: Wir zwangen die EU zu Sanktionen gegen Russland; (12.4.2024)


[1] Vgl.

[1] Vgl.

[1] Vgl. Amy Goodman: Syriens Wahrheit, 6.3.2012; (14.4.2024)

[1] Vgl. Daniele Ganser: Illegale Kriege. Wie die NATO-Länder die UNO sabotieren. Eine Chronik von Kuba bis Syrien. Zürich 2016

[1] Zit. wie (14.4.2024)

[1] (11.5.2024) sowie:

[1] Zit. wie Die Zeit, 9.3.2014;

[1] Vgl.

[1] Frankfurt/Main 2019. Vgl. auch Rainer Mausfeld: Das Schweigen der Lämmer. Frankfurt am Main 2018

[1] Daniela Dahn und Rainer Mausfeld: TamTam und Tabu. Frankfurt am Main 2020, S. 201 f.


[1] Friedrich Dürrenmatt: Die Physiker. Anmerkungen des Autors im Anhang: 21 Punkte zu den Physikern, Punkte 16-18. Werkausgabe. Zürich 1988

The world and society divided into good and evil

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