Wolfgang Bittner in conversation with Dirk Pohlmann
Our author Wolfgang Bittner had a conversation with Dirk Pohlmann about many aspects of the current geopolitical situation. An intellectual treat.
Peter Hanseler

Short introduction
Wolfgang Bittner, who we had the pleasure of visiting in person at his home in Göttingen last summer, showed an immense creative power in his long life.
Wolfgang Bittner is a writer, holds a doctorate in law, is a creative artist and has studied philosophy and sociology. He has traveled the world and written around 80 books. Bittner was a member of the WDR broadcasting council and a professor in Germany and Poland. He is a man of clear thoughts, his books are written in a language that aims at the complex core of things with simple words. They are free of self-indulgent vanity and rhetorical garlands.
His novels and non-fiction books have accordingly been positively reviewed for decades, e.g. by Martin Walser. Wolfgang Bittner has received numerous literary awards.
He is an experienced, independent thinker who follows his own moral and political compass. As a refugee child, he experienced the Second World War and, like many others of his generation, he is horrified by the way German politicians think they can deal with Russia and the Russians. He advocates German independence and a withdrawal from NATO.
This has caused him to fall out of favor with large sections of the mainstream media. And that is precisely why it is worth listening to this objectively arguing, unbending, exceptional intellectual in conversation with Dirk Pohlmann.
Here is the link to the current book by Dr. Wolfgang Bittner “Nobody should starve without freezing – It can’t and won’t stay the way it is”: https://zeitgeist-online.de/2013-11-30-00-57-32/1122-wolfgang-bittner-niemand-soll-hungern.html
His last article with us was: “The world and society divided into good and evil“.
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