American blogger arrested in Ukraine

Gonzalo Lira arrested in Kharkov – Ukrainian flags flying in Zurich – time to wake up. 

Peter Hanseler

The arrest of Gonzalo Lira


Friday, May 5 – American blogger, Gonzalo Lira, resident of Kharkov, Ukraine, was detained by Ukrainian security authorities. 

Gonzalo Lira has been boldly criticizing Ukraine, the United States, the EU and their strategies against Russia for years. His style is harsh and provocative. Already once he briefly disappeared from the scene, but reappeared. 

Now the Ukrainian government seems to fear his influence on Western audiences. An indication that he is not making propaganda, but speaking the truth.

“‘I feel more comfortable in Russia’ there.”

Reaction from the West – none. 

Who is Gonzalo Lira

Gonzalo Lira, born in 1968 in the USA, studied history and philosophy in the USA, produced comedic short films in the 1990s and worked as an economic blogger. Interesting is the fact that the English version of Wikipedia does not have an entry about Lira, however, there is a German und Russian version.

He has lived in Kharkov for several years and is critical of Western geopolitics and economic policy. 

He was arrested by the Ukrainian authorities as early as April 2022, but was released. 

Courageously, he resumed his work. In early May, he was arrested again.

Accusation of pro-American propaganda

Die Staatsanwaltschaft des Oblast Charkow (Харківська обласна прокуратура) war sich nicht zu schade unter dem Titel: «Auf Antrag der Staatsanwaltschaft wurde ein ausländischer Blogger, der die Aktionen der Russischen Föderation öffentlich unterstützte, in Gewahrsam genommen», das Video zu veröffentlichen, welches die Verhaftung Gonzalos zeigt. 

Quelle: YouTube

In the said video, Gonzalo said the following: 

Vladimir Putin, he is  – for all intense and purposes – what you can call an ethnic nationalist but he is not an imperialist. 

The Kijw Regime, I tell you right now – these people are Neo-facist and Neo-Nazis.

The west is the one puppeteering Zelensky.The Kiyv regime is constantly shelling the regions of the Donbas. 16’000 people died after 2015 until the start of this conflict. A thousand children or 800 children were killed

This puts an American blogger living in Kharkov in jail. 

I feel more comfortable in Russia.


NZZ journalists in Moscow have fool’s freedom

Freedom of speech in Russia is systematically criticized by the West – unjustly.

In my article “Resist the beginnings! – Propaganda of the NZZ“, I used an editorial by editor-in-chief Eric Gujer to prove that the NZZ is engaged in the most evil propaganda.

Ich gebe zwei der im Artikel analysierten Zitate aus dem Artikel von Eric Gujer wieder. Das erste (Zitat 5 im Artikel) ist gegen Präsident Putin gerichtet:

“If the Tsar has his way, the killing will go on for a long time.”

The second (quote 8 in the article) is directed against the partial mobilization: 

“The manhunt dressed up as “partial mobilisation” actually paints an extremely unfavourable picture of Russian defence capability.”

The NZZ’s mission statement for shaping public opinion reads downright cynical: 

“The NZZ is aware of the importance of the media for the formation of public opinion and advocates responsible, fair journalism committed to tolerance.”

If the Russian authorities were to apply the same standards as the Ukrainian authorities, the NZZ journalists based in Russia would probably be in prison. 

The Russian authorities drew the line at the NZZ on April 7, when journalist Ivo Mijnssen was shown it. The Russian Embassy considered that Ivo Mijnssen violated Russian law by publicly justifying terrorism against Russia.

“After reading our article today, each reader can decide whether this is naive or distasteful.”

Do our readers think that Mr. Mijnssen would have had a problem with his statements in Germany and Switzerland as well? – A rhetorical question. 

Ukrainian flag in Zurich

Ukrainian flags have been flying at four locations in the city of Zurich for a year now. The city of Zurich proudly announces “Zurich shows flag”. 

Ukrainian flag at Bürkliplatz in Zurich
Source: City of Zürich

After reading our article today, each reader can decide whether this is naive or distasteful.

American blogger arrested in Ukraine

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