What is the voice from Russia?
In this trilingual blog, Peter Hanseler, reports on geopolitical and geo-economic issues.
Peter Hanseler differs from mainstream journalists in that he looks at and evaluates issues from a Western as well as an Eastern perspective – and thus also writes about topics that are predominantly not reported on in the West. Since he is a journalist, editor and publisher in one person on this blog, he is not subject to the influence of an editorial office or a publisher.
Peter Hanseler is politically and journalistically independent, does not pursue any commercial activities in Russia and does not receive any funding from the state or other organisations. The blog is free of charge for readers. Donations are welcome.
Peter Hänseler knows Russia for nearly 30 years and has spent a lot of time in this great country.
This blog has to earn its readership – we thank you for your interest, suggestions and recommendation to friends a colleagues.

Peter Hanseler, born in 1964, studied law at University of Zurich law school (lic. iur.) and then worked there as a research assistant for Prof. Heinrich Honsell, Professor of Roman Law and Contract Law.
After obtaining his doctorate in business law (Dr. iur.), he worked as a trainee at the District Court of Hinwil and as a trainee lawyer at the law firm Bär & Karrer in Zurich.
After being admitted to the bar in the Canton of Zurich, he completed a master’s degree in American law (LL.M.) at Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.). He then worked as an associate for Townley & Updike in New York City.
After returning to Switzerland, he worked as an associate for the law firm Bär & Karrer in Zurich. He then worked as a member of the executive board at the Marc Rich Group in Zug, where he was responsible, among other things, for the real estate business in Russia.
He then founded the PHI Group, which managed real estate projects in Russia. Since the sale of this group in 2011, Peter Hanseler has been in charge of Zürcher Immobilien AG.
He speaks German, English and Russian and he spends a lot of time in the city he loves. He is a passionate walker.
Contact info@voicefromrussia.com
What do I want with this blog?
The current culture of conversation allows counter-opinions less and less – no matter how rational and well-founded they may be.
Today, the published opinion is often considered the only truth. Other opinions are increasingly hostile or excluded. In my opinion, this development inhibits the free expression of opinion and discourse in society, the media and politics. Individual freedom, which is rightly held in high esteem by politicians and the media in the West, suffers as a result. Currently, even the private world-spanning social media are banning users and sources by appointing censors with woken justifications and without legal basis; as if the audience is not capable of forming its own opinion.
I try to understand the basis and origin of problems, discuss them in a larger context and contribute to a rational formation of opinion. In doing so, I am aware that no one is fully objective and free of emotion, myself included. When consulting sources, I am not interested in whether the author is left or right, red, green, black or purple: what matters is simply whether someone has good arguments regarding a factual issue and makes an effort to incorporate the facts into his or her arguments.
As an attorney-at-law, manager and entrepreneur, I have seen and experienced a lot. I have been dealing with history and geopolitics for 40 years. If you want to understand this, I think you have to explore the economics. That includes looking at financial markets and their systems and, therefore, the banking and central banking system. That’s what I write about.